Sunday, June 26, 2005

Baby Shower

Michelle, here are some pictures from the baby shower:


Michele said...

Wow, was that an Abicus in the backround of the first pic?
Love the lady decorated with the bow...adorable touch!
Saw the stuffed bears in the backround. That was cute.
What you described earlier came through in the pics. What fun ambiance for the baby shower. I bet everyone had a great time! BTW, That's my dream kitchen pictured there. A place for everything and everything in its place. Lucky you!
I appreciate your sharing the pictures and I had fun viewing them.

Rebecca York said...

The lady with the bow is the sister of the shower honoree. (Is that how you spell it?)

A friend of mine and I designed the kitchen about ten years ago. It's even better than it looks in the picture. There's a second refrigerator just to the left of the picture. In addition to the stove, I have a wall oven. And I have two microwaves--so that two people eating leftovers can warm up dinner at the same time!!!

Yes, the abacus was a present to my mathematician husband several years ago.

Michele said...

Even better!!??!!
OK, picture me drooling......
*sigh* someday.